The River Walk


As the winter begins to creep in, I think more and more about how much I will miss running outside in the coming weeks.

I usually run out on Chattanooga’s river walk. It’s an amazingly beautiful place with an even more astonishing atmosphere.

I feel at home when I’m out on the river walk. It’s as if the rest of the world just melts away, and the only people left are those trying to live an encouraging life.

You see people walking and running with their significant other, their friends, their children, and their pets. There are people riding their bikes alone, and there are people riding their bikes with what seems like a gang of cyclists. There are even people roller blading and unicycling.

Everyone moves at their own pace on the river walk. You may pass someone, but as you do, you pass with a smile and a friendly hello.

There’s no such thing as a stranger on the river walk. It is its very own community. A world of people living to be well and enjoy the beauty of their city.

The river walk and its people are a beautiful thing that words will never be able to describe.

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